Monday, December 23, 2024

Solstice's Quiet Call

Solstice's Quiet Call
By Annette Camp
December 21, 2024

Solstice arrives, not with fanfare, but with a whisper,
and a blanket to drape across the world’s shoulders.
She asks for our pause, our willingness to listen,
to sit in the shadows of our own minds and hearts.

But we fight her gentle pull with distractions:
the hum of consumerism, adult beverages, and
the glow of screens replacing starlight and faces.
We flee inward not into ourselves, but into noise.

Yet winter waits, patient and unyielding,
as Solstice whispers of quiet and rest.
For in her silence is an invitation to mourn, 
to mend, to make peace with the passing year.

And when the light begins to slowly return,
when the seed stirs deep in the frozen soil,
we will rise, not hurried, but renewed and
ready to bloom beneath the sun's warmth.

Saturday, November 16, 2024

The Writing of Our Story

The Writing of Our Story
By Annette Camp
(Inspired by someone named Lou)
November 16, 2024

Our relationship stands as a foundation,
built brick by brick—
character and chemistry,
communication and commitment.
Each stone is placed with care,
honoring needs,
wrapped in patience,
held by honesty.
Together, we create a sanctuary
where mutual respect and understanding
become our guiding light.

We lean into each other’s strength,
knowing the weight is shared,
that standing tall is easier
when two carry the burden.
Life is a dance of joy and challenge—
exhilarating leaps,
stumbling steps.
Yet I want us to navigate it all together,
transforming disappointments into growth,
frustrations into understanding.

Love is our compass.
I crave an intense closeness,
a space where fears, joys, and dreams
are whispered without hesitation,
where two people united
can conquer anything.
My love runs deep, passionate—
a fire that warms through words,
through touch,
through the unspoken.

Intimacy is the pulse of our connection,
the thread that binds us tightly.
Life’s gift is not to be squandered;
it is to be shared,
to be lived with unrelenting passion.
When I give my heart,
I want it cherished as though it were your own,
just as I will treasure yours—
a bond that turns possibility
into something boundless.

I seek a miracle— you,
the woman unafraid to laugh boldly,
to savor life’s simplest joys
and its profound mysteries.
Your soul carries moral goodness,
your heart a reverence for what is sacred.
You are daring and brave,
ready to explore not the world’s maps,
but the uncharted terrain of our hearts.

Together, we will write a story
of love and courage,
etched into the landscape of a life well-lived.

Friday, November 15, 2024

Simple Bliss

Simple Bliss
By Annette Camp
November 15, 2024

The morning air brushing my face, 
the silence brings the promise of the day.
I find enjoyment in picnics by a body of water,
summer spilling its warmth onto a shared blanket.

In spring and fall, I seek the open road,
sunroof framing the vast sky above.
Road trips stretch time —
a moving canvas of possibility.

Winter calls for art, theater and
galleries where the colors of other lives
spill into mine, with the lure of new worlds.
But home is where I snuggle into stillness.

I don’t watch much TV,
but the rhythm of a cooking show
stirs my own creations, spices dancing, 
the kitchen alive with intention.

Sedentary moments find me content:
a game with friends, a book,
or the creation of poetry,
words spilling like water from a dam.

There is beauty in the tiny things:
sunlight slicing through the blinds,
songs belted out in joyful defiance of silence,
the coziness of freshly dried sheets.

I treasure deep laughter that spills into tears,
conversations that stitch hearts together,
the fleeting yet infinite bloom
of split-second gratitude.

My life is created from the ordinary,
and made extraordinary by living simply.
In the moments walked, I find my bliss,
a blessing held in what already is.

The Quiet Hum

The Quiet Hum
By Annette Camp
November 15, 2024

At this time in my life,
I crave the quiet hum of the ordinary—
a soft chair by the window,
the sun laying its hands on my face,
a life stitched together
by moments so small they might be overlooked,
yet they swell with the weight of fulfillment.

I want a life drawn by intention,
where each act is a seed,
its fruit ripened with meaning,
where the thread of our connection
is spun with care, defining what follows,
unfolding a story of purpose.

I yearn for a partner unafraid
to leap into happiness,
to love as if the heart
has never known fracture,
to hold my hand not with possession,
but with courage and wonder.

Together, may we uncover beauty
in the cracks of the everyday,
in the hush of morning dew,
in the laugh lines of an evening shared.
Let us speak truths that carry 
light to the shadowed places,
our words warming 
like the first rays of dawn.

Aware that life comes only once,
may we live as though we’ve just discovered
its fragile singularity—
every morning a blessing,
every walk a revelation.

Let us hold one another in that rare,
fleeting moment where destiny pauses,
and everything, for a breath,
feels within reach.

I want the ordinary—
soft and sweet, exhilarating and still,
a canvas where love paints possibility
in strokes of gratitude, passion, and respect.

Each day begins with the 
quiet promise I hold close:
The best is yet to be.

Sunday, November 3, 2024

Worth the Risk

Worth the Risk
By Annette Camp
November 3, 2024

Craving deep connections
means stepping out on a
ledge, knowing the ground 
beneath might be uncertain. 

Yet, trusting that some
souls are worth the risk,
because they feel like a
warm, familiar blanket. 

Laughter comes easy,
silence feels safe and the
spaces between words are
filled with understanding. 

There is no need to rush
in this dance of souls.
Move with the grace of
intention and take your time.

Knowing that every
step forward brings you
nearer to the heart of
what you seek and long for.

Let each choice be deliberate,
like selecting fruit at its
ripest, knowing that true
connections are the sweetest. 

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Here I Lay

Here I Lay
By Annette Camp
October 17, 2024

It runs deep.
It's in my
bones and
the core of
my being.

It's on my
face. It's 
in my hugs.
Yet, I remain
in silence.

I want to be
at her side
as she moves
through life, to
hold her hand.

I wait to
hear her
voice and
see her eyes
once again.

She's trapped
in my head 
and my heart.
She has to
know this.

But here I
lay with my
love for her
Yet, undenied.

Monday, September 2, 2024

It Fell From Her Eye

It Fell From Her Eye 
By Annette Camp
September 2, 2024

It hurts my heart to feel 
her emotions from the 
other side of a screen.

If I were there, I'd give 
her a hug. A long heartfelt 
hug of comfort in whatever 
she was holding in her heart.

There's a visual message 
of a tear gathering in 
the corner of her eye. 

It could fall onto my finger 
and I would feel with her. If 
she only knew I was here for 
her. Then. It fell from her eye.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Ramblings of Remembering

Ramblings of Remembering 
By Annette Camp
(Inspired by Courtney Bohlman)
August 29, 2024


Slow down.

What's next
limits the 
what's now.




Sunday, August 18, 2024

Dawn of a New Day

Dawn of a New Day
By Annette Camp
August 18, 2024

As the first light of dawn kisses
the earth, the world awakens 
in a symphony of gentle 
sounds and vibrant colors.
Here, time seems to pause.

Ducks and geese glide 
gracefully as blooming 
flowers line the path,
each petal a burst of 
color against the green. 

The chatter of the birds 
creates a melody that soothes 
the soul. The ordinary 
becomes extraordinary 
with each breath.

The earth beneath my feet feels 
alive. The dew is fresh and 
the air crisp. Every step is a 
moment of peace, a celebration 
of the day’s beginning. 

Wrapped in the embrace of 
nature’s gentle rhythm, 
I find myself smiling at 
the simple joy of being a 
part of this tranquil morning.

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Statement of Faith

Statement of Faith
By Annette Camp
July 31, 2024

In the spirit of courageousness, 
my heart and faith guide me to love 
with bold compassion, bravely reaching 
beyond my comfort zone to take risks 
for the sake of others. I will ooze 
love in all of my relationships. 

My foundational commitment is unwavering. 
I breathe life into the promise of service, 
kindness, and selfless deeds to this fellowship, 
my neighborhood, society, and the world.

I will dwell in a sanctuary of peace where 
there is a haven of hope, diversity, and 
belonging. Others are not just welcomed 
but celebrated in my presence. I pledge to 
hear each voice, and uphold an environment 
of mutual respect and dignity. 

I know that in love I can question and seek 
truth, as I grow and deepen my spiritual 
understanding. This encourages open-mindedness, 
honest dialogue, and a caring approach.

In this beloved community, I will always 
advocate for justice and help those in 
need of assistance, offering encouragement 
and support. I will stand together in 
solidarity, and reaffirm my belief in the 
interconnectedness of all life.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Cherished and Valuable

Cherished and Valuable
By Annette Camp
July 30, 2024

A relationship transitioning 
from romance to friendship 
is like exchanging gold for 
silver currency because both 
retain significant value, 
albeit in different forms. 

Gold, with its bright 
luster symbolizes the 
rare moments and 
intense affection, often 
passionate, found in a 
romantic relationship.

Silver carries its own 
timeless beauty, like a 
constant star, now 
expressed through the 
long-lasting light of 
expansive friendship.

The fiery dance of desire 
gives way to the gentle 
waltz of companionship, where 
the heart finds comfort in 
the familiar rhythms of shared 
laughter and understanding.

This shift represents a 
change in dynamics rather 
than a loss of worth. 
It is still preserving the 
meaningful connection
in a new steadfast way.

Thus, the bond continues, 
cherished and valuable, its 
presentation transformed. 
Its essence is unwavering, 
shining with a timeless, 
silvered grace.

Lead in Love

Lead in Love
By Annette Camp
July 30, 2024

Love and trust are 
lenses through which 
we can view the world
and focus on possibility. 

When we choose 
these lenses, we embrace 
compassion, empathy, unity,
collaboration, and forgiveness. 

These powerful forces 
unlock hope, possibility, 
creativity, innovation, 
and problem-solving. 

In the face of any 
challenge, choose love.
Love is the way forward, 
a movement. 

Join this movement, 
lead in love, and 
together, we can 
transform the world.

Tears of Truth

Tears of Truth
By Annette Camp
July 30, 2024

My tears flow like 
the gentle grace 
of a waterfall, 
delicate streams 
of emotions descending 
from the cliffs of my eyes. 

Each teardrop is a 
testament to the profound 
depth of my feelings, a silent 
witness to a well within. 

As they tumble and flow, 
they carve intricate paths 
across my cheeks, etching 
their journey into my skin.

These tears whisper tales 
of love, echoing the joys 
and sorrows that have 
touched my heart. 

They carry with them the 
weight of unspoken words 
and the essence of my 
most intimate moments. 

In their delicate descent, 
they leave behind traces 
of my vulnerability and 
the raw beauty of my 
human experience. 

Each drop, a silent testament 
to the complexity of my 
emotions, creates a river 
of truth that flows from 
the core of my being.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Handle With Care

Handle With Care
By Annette Camp
July 27, 2024

When you meet a woman 
who has been through 
life's toughest trials 
and still remains 
big-hearted, handle her 
love with care. 

She chose love despite 
her pain. Don't lose her. 
Her resilience speaks to 
her strength of character.

She has faced many hardships, 
yet her heart remains 
open. Value her, for she 
understands deep pain and 
profound compassion. She is 
unlike anyone else you'll meet.

Respect her journey, 
honor her struggles, and 
stand by her side as she 
faces life’s challenges. 

Her scars tell stories of 
battles fought and the 
strength found in 
vulnerability. With her, 
you'll find a rare and 
precious kind of love. 

She will change you, 
teaching you about 
true love, self-love, 
and a love for life.

True Intimacy

True Intimacy
By Annette Camp
July 27, 2024

Many believe intimacy 
is just about sharing 
a bed, but true intimacy 
goes much deeper. 

Intimacy is finding a 
safe haven in someone's 
presence, a place where 
you can be your true self 
without fear of rejection.

It's standing before them 
without any pretense and 
hearing the reassuring words, 
"You're safe with me."

It's about opening up 
your deepest fears, 
insecurities, and 
vulnerabilities to 
someone who accepts 
you without judgment. 

It's showing the broken 
pieces of your soul and 
receiving kindness and 
love in return. 

Real intimacy means 
sharing your innermost 
thoughts, pain, past, 
and trauma, knowing they 
will listen with empathy. 
It's someone who holds 
your heart gently.

Value those who offer you 
true intimacy, for they 
will stand by you and 
remind you you're not alone.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

A Dragonfly Moment

A Dragonfly Moment
By Annette Camp
July 25, 2024

Today, I stopped to 
watch a dragonfly.
Their short life spans
reminds me that life is
brief, precious moments.

Dragonflies often appear to 
dance in the air, embodying 
a sense of joy and lightness. 
Approach life with a lighter, 
more playful attitude. 

Appreciate what you have
right now, without 
constantly dwelling 
on the past or worrying 
about the future.

Being fully aware and 
engaged in this moment 
allows us to experience 
life more vividly and 
with greater depth.

Let go of rigid plans 
and embrace the current 
moment with all its 
potential. Just focus
on the beauty of now.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

A Relationship Tapestry

A Relationship Tapestry
By Annette Camp
July 20, 2024

Today was a
bizarre day with
the creation of
an unexpected

In the span of
a single day,
I experienced
a very intricate
dance with
some unlikely

It was a surreal
symphony where
beginnings and
endings coexisted
in the same breath.
A lesson, 
a tear, and
a smile.

The ghost of an
old flame that
amidst the
sting of a raw
wound, as an
encounter with a
stranger brought
a brief smile.

Familiar patterns
of a past lover
softened by a 
shared history
and time.
darker strands
pain and loss.

Woven together
with vibrant hues
of excitement
and possibility.
Each thread
a person,
a moment,
or an emotion.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Scarred Heart

Scarred Heart
By Annette Camp
July 18, 2024

When you departed,
you left behind
invisible scars.
Permanently altered.

Emotional loss
significantly etched
into the fabric of
my very being.

My heart once
open is now
wounded and beats
with a new rhythm.

A life-changing
A future stolen
from my life.

Forever a
scarred heart.

Forever Changed

Forever Changed
By Annette Camp
July 18, 2024

I will never
be the same.
The one I 
intimately let
in has left.

Echoes of shared
secrets and
silent sorrows.
I am unconnected.

Like a river, I'm
marked by the
profound impact
of the storm 

Fragments of
what once was.
Things flow a
little differently.

A lesson in 
pain and a 
life that 
is forever

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Blurred Lines

Blurred Lines
By Annette Camp
July 11, 2024

Keeping a relationship 
friendly after the 
romance ends can
sometimes have
blurred lines.

A space where
clarity dissolves,
where boundaries 
waver and certainty 
fades into ambiguity.

Shadows dance and
definitions lose their
sharpness.  A true
intertwine with
reality and illusion.

It's a realm where
the heart and
mind negotiate 
with a gradient 
of possibility. 

In the haze there
is both confusion 
and creativity, 
challenge and

There's a complex
interplay of desires
and decisions. 
The heart feels so
much for the person.

There's love in the
simplest purity. 

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Today I Cried

Today I Cried
By Annette Camp
July 7, 2024

The tissue is wet 
with my tears.
I must let go.

Let go of hopes.
Let go of dreams.
Let go.

Romantic love 
has escaped 
me yet again.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

More Than My Poem

More Than My Poem
By Annette Camp
July 4, 2024

You are more
than my poetic

You are the 
heart within 
these bones.

Pieces that
bring life to 
my soul.

My affection 
for you courses 
through my veins.

In the arms 
that wrap 
around you.

In the lips 
that long 
to kiss you.

In the eyes 
that take in 
your beauty.

In these feet 
that walk with 
you each day.

These things 
are more than 
words on a page.

They are my 
poem. You. 
You are more 
than my poem.

Monday, July 1, 2024

Slow and Steady

Slow and Steady 
By Annette Camp
July 1, 2024

I've never truly 
had a reason to 
take things slow 
in a relationship.
Immediate passion
was common.

But I've found that 
the reward is in 
the small moments 
of discovery, 
in learning yet 
one more thing.

Each day reveals 
something new, 
deepening our 
connection and 
building a strong, 
solid foundation.

It’s a path that 
demands patience 
and trust, but 
the richness 
it brings is 

The journey may 
be slow, but 
the memories we 
create along the 
way are worth 
every moment.

I truly believe 
that this pace 
allows us to 
cherish every 
hug and step
of the way.

I hug consciously, 
fully present in the 
moment, embracing 
the warm closeness 
it brings and its 
powerful impact. 

Each hug becomes a 
meaningful act, an 
exchange of comfort 
and affection, where 
I am aware of the 
bond it strengthens.

It’s a way to express 
care and gratitude, 
to be truly there for 
someone, creating a 
sense of harmony
and understanding 
that words often fail 
to capture. 

There is a beauty in 
conscious hugs and
taking things 
slow and steady
in our dating

Monday, June 24, 2024

A Writer's Struggle

I've selectively shared my writer's process until now. The image here is simple and yet complex. Sometimes, the ideas come with a few words. Other times, it's a sentence or two. Regardless, there's more to what you see in the poem you read or story I write. This is just a sample. If you have something handwritten from me, count yourself among the few. Many times, the words get crumpled into wads of paper and thrown in the trash before hitting the digital page.

A Writer's Struggle 
By Annette Camp
June 24, 2024

With each letter
I write not just
words, but a

I cross out 
I stop and

The struggle 
for just the 
right word to 
express what 
I feel is real.

I write and
rewrite words,
edit and

I sometimes 
wonder if you
hear my heart
in between 
the words.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Life's Fragility

In the wee hours of this morning, I faced, not one but, two head-on collisions - one an immobile police car blocking the road and another automobile in motion towards me. An experience I did not encounter alone. I do not know that my reaction time would have been as responsive, as I had just gotten off my flight from Seattle at 12:45am and had a good hour and a half drive home. I am so thankful for a woman named Freedom Derrico. She saved my life and I am forever grateful.

Life's Fragility
By Annette Camp
June 22, 2024

In this moment,
a near-death car 
crash of oncoming 
headlights haunt me. 

The bright illumination in 
the darkness of the night.
The jarring of the SUV to the 
right and back to fight calamity.

Chaos in that suspended moment.
A cascade of emotions defines 
my existence and the delicate 
beauty of precious life itself.

Enduring lessons carried forward
from the brink of disaster.
A renewed appreciation for 
life's fragility.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Sweet Dreams

Sweet Dreams
By Annette Camp
June 15, 2024

Last night, I had
the sweetest of
dreams about a
precious moment
when my spirit
whispered to you.

As you laid your
head on my lap, a
poem flowed from
my hand through
your hair, each
stroke a silent
declaration of love.

Time stood still as
my heart conversed
with yours, knowing
that each caress
expressed the most
sincere and tender
feeling imaginable. 

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

The Leisurely Journey

The Leisurely Journey
By Annette Camp
June 11, 2024

I have a profound 
awareness that a 
symphony of 
chemicals ignite 
when the veil of 
intimacy is lifted, 
swirling like a 
fragrant mist 
around us.  

In the tender 
dance of touch, 
endorphins and 
oxytocin weave an 
tapestry, often 
blurring the lines 
between genuine 
connection and 
the euphoria of 
the moment. 

May we find delight 
in the sound of 
laughter, the joy 
of gratitude and the 
quiet moments of 
tranquility that 
build a foundation 
of trust and 

I envision
our journey to 
affection not 
as a hurried 
sprint, but 
as a gentle, 
stroll through 
a sun-dappled 

In this leisurely 
journey, let our 
souls intertwine 
long before our 
bodies do, creating 
a bond resilient 
to the fleeting 
buzz of physical 

Together, let us 
relish the art 
of gradual 
allowing our 
connection to 
blossom in its 
own time, 
nurtured by 
patience and 

With a heart 
full of hope, I 
tread these waters 
carefully. Let 
us savor the 
cherishing each 
step and every 
shared glance.

Hearts Unite

Hearts Unite
By Annette Camp
June 11, 2024

A visual bridge
of color arching
across the heavens.

The blending of
hues, born of
sunlight and rain.

Beauty following
the darkest 
of clouds.

The sky shifts
into a tranquil
sea of fire.

A farewell dance
of amber, tangerine, 
and creamy white.

Bathing the night
in a warm

Upon departing,
nature whispered
a secret.

A silent song
of connection 
in the quietude.

Under the
same sky,
two hearts unite.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Patchwork of Feelings

Patchwork of Feelings
By Annette Camp
June 9, 2024

In this image, my heart finds its home. 
Patchwork of feelings inside me roam. 
With each day, a cherished gift. 
Thoughts of you, my spirits lift.

Blossoming daily my affection takes flight. 
To me this day, everything feels right. 
With every moment, our bond does grow. 
You are in my heart, this I know.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Take One Step

Disclosure: This is NOT a call to join a church. Simply, a woman telling her story of how not to give up if you have a dream.

For those that do not know, I identify myself as a spiritual kaleidoscope. I am religiously fluid in that I do not belong to, behave according to, or believe in any one faith tradition; rather I flow among them. I have been religiously persecuted and suffered from PTSD at the hands of many religious and spiritual bodies. I have been excommunicated, disfellowshipped and asked to never return from various religious and spiritual organizations, even in my home state of Colorado. 

Today, I write about my experience after reading an exert from Jim Harmer's book Work Energy: Finish What You Start and Fearlessly Take on Any Goal. It said "Imagine I'm sitting in front of you, talking with you face to face. You tell me the goal you've dreamed, and I tell you this: 'PROVE IT. YOU WANT IT SO BAD? I DARE YOU TO JUST TAKE ONE STEP.' People can dream all they want, but the vast majority of people will dream the rest of their lives away. Do you have a goal and you really mean it? I dare you to actually do one tiny thing about it today."

I have dreamt of finding a new spiritual home. One where I feel safe and loved. After roaming in and out of places throughout the world, I took a step in yet another faith community today. I am drawn to its mission "to unleash courageous love." So courageously, I step out onto a new path. 

Saturday, June 1, 2024

The Heart Dance

The Heart Dance
By Annette Camp
June 1, 2024

The beauty of her smile.
The sound of her laugh.
The fragrance of her perfume. 
The touch of her embrace. 
The taste of her kiss.

A communication
of connection that
caused my pulse to
quicken and my
heart to dance.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

My Joyous Heart

My Joyous Heart
By Annette Camp
May 29, 2024

When asked what
she wanted in a
relationship, these
two words she spoke:


And my joyous 
heart sang.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

All that is Good

Today, my best friend asked me why are we friends. I told her that one of the primary reasons she is my best friend is the deep emotional connection and understanding that has developed over time. We support each other in all of life's ups and downs. I can confide in her, share experiences with her, and rely on her during both good times and bad and vice versa. We are more than friends. We are family. There's a feeling of being understood and accepted for who I am with her. We share common interests, values, and experiences, and that strengthens our bond and makes our friendship special.

All that is Good
By Annette Camp
May 28, 2024

You are more
than just another
friend to me.

You're memories, 
smiles, laughter,
and hugs.

You're happiness,
strength, and

You're the present, 
future, and
the past.

You're kindness,
loads of fun,
and family.

You're a visual 
representation of
all that is good.

Monday, May 27, 2024

Honest Conversations

Honest Conversations 
By Annette Camp
May 27, 2024

Online dating app options:
Something casual?
Long-term relationship?

Mine reads
something casual
and long-term

Something casual can
be a physical or
emotional relationship, 
but without the
expectation of a more
serious romantic 

It's short-term. 
No strings attached. 
You're free to pursue,
meet, or date others.
You're not the "only one."

Too busy for
anything serious or
emotionally supporting

Honest conversations
are necessary regarding 
intentions, expectations, 
future plans, degree of
emotional connection, 
communication regularity, 
and exclusivity. 

I got this.
Express how you
feel and ask for
what you want.
Have that conversation. 

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Drifting Off

Drifting Off 
By Annette Camp
May 26, 2024

My mind moves
slowly through
the basics:
the similarities 
in interests,
values and
life approach. 

I closely coast
through the
her upbeat spirit,
her kind heart,
her growth mindset, 
and self-awareness. 

Then, I am carried 
away by the thrill
of my attraction. 
I feel the chemistry 
intensify with each
movement of her
eyes and those lips.

I wonder, "Why
do I long to hold
her so close to me?"
The thought of
her fills my mind
as I leisurely drift
off to dreamland. 

Sunday, May 19, 2024


By Annette Camp
May 19, 2024

In this life, I'd risk
heartache for the
love of Freedom.

Warrior. Princess.
Real. Hope.

The image I hold is
to love you my whole
life and no other.

Until we look into
the eyes of one
another again.


Thursday, April 11, 2024

You Should Know

You Should Know 
By Annette Camp
April 11, 2024

You should 
know that I 
make mistakes.

I am not

I feel grief,
fear, and
even anger.

I've not been 
through life
altering deaths
and painful

I detach and
focus on regret
rather than

I need to work
on emotional
openness and

I want you to
listen, empathize, 
and be patient. 

Because I am 
not perfect. 

I've been neglected
and exposed to
pure horror,
unstable and
felt unsafe and
trusted no one.

I take flight.
I freeze and
I fight.

I need to trust,
take risks and
build a secure,
stable life.

I want you to
explore with me
my anxieties. 

Don't walk away.
I'm not perfect. 

I've been around 
volatile people
and have been
violated; physically, 
verbally, sexually
and mentally abused.
My voice has not
always been heard.

Passive aggressiveness 
may rear its head
and I may be unclear
in my communication. 

I need to calmly
speak my truth;
be clear about 
what I really want. 

I want you to ask
what my needs are
and let me feel heard.

You should know
I'm not perfect. 

AND you should know
I'm doing the inner
work to heal.

Every Version


Every Version 
By Annette Camp
April 11, 2024

The NOW that
you are and
The PAST that
you were and
you will be.

I love every
version of

I will love
every version
of you.

that's what 
love does.

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Hope Returns

Hope Returns 
By Annette Camp
April 10, 2024

My eyes are
with affection,
and my heart
is dancing.

My rainbow
colors are
bright and
my disco
ball shines.

Hope has
returned to
flow through
my veins
once again.

Monday, April 8, 2024

Did You See?


Did You See?
By Annette Camp
April 8, 2024

Food, trees,
and libraries.

Tango, art,
and poetry.

Buildings and
statues, lots to see.

Meditation, travel
photos, and tea.

Look their guide,
how happy is he.

Kayaking, flowers,
and trails to see.

Waterfalls and
rivers, everybody.

Oh, how delightful
just to be.

**This one was inspired by my friends (Elizabeth and Julia) after looking at their travel photos.

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Labels and Boxes


Labels and Boxes
By Annette Camp
March 27, 2024

Recently in an
online profile, 
I was asked
to select from
a dropdown
"up to" five

Quickly scrolling 
through the list, I
immediately chose
Lesbian and Queer. 

However, the list
kept going on and on.
Some of them I knew:
asexual, bisexual 
and pansexual.

Others, though, I
had to look up,
because I have a
new-age curiosity.


Oh me, oh my. 
Then there was an
additional romantic
orientation category.

I won't go into all
of those. However,
I will say I'm
There's no need to
look it up, because
it could change.

If you want a
play partner(s),
there are other 
options as well.

Stone top.

So many labels and
boxes. For me,
I just lead with 
love and kindness.

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Look Both Ways

Look Both Ways
By Annette Camp
March 24, 2024

When I 
saw her, I 
swiped right.

For chatting?
Something casual
or long-term

My only focus:
that smile and
those blue eyes.

Attraction is
so much more
than physical.
Little did I 
really know.

It wasn't about
beauty really,
but a journey.

It was about
and love. 

Daily choosing
to love another

A loving 
No boxes 
or labels.

It was a daily
choice. Until
it wasn't. 

I've learned to
ask more questions,
and look both ways,
multiple times,
before crossing 
the street.