Saturday, July 27, 2024

True Intimacy

True Intimacy
By Annette Camp
July 27, 2024

Many believe intimacy 
is just about sharing 
a bed, but true intimacy 
goes much deeper. 

Intimacy is finding a 
safe haven in someone's 
presence, a place where 
you can be your true self 
without fear of rejection.

It's standing before them 
without any pretense and 
hearing the reassuring words, 
"You're safe with me."

It's about opening up 
your deepest fears, 
insecurities, and 
vulnerabilities to 
someone who accepts 
you without judgment. 

It's showing the broken 
pieces of your soul and 
receiving kindness and 
love in return. 

Real intimacy means 
sharing your innermost 
thoughts, pain, past, 
and trauma, knowing they 
will listen with empathy. 
It's someone who holds 
your heart gently.

Value those who offer you 
true intimacy, for they 
will stand by you and 
remind you you're not alone.

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