Monday, July 1, 2024

Slow and Steady

Slow and Steady 
By Annette Camp
July 1, 2024

I've never truly 
had a reason to 
take things slow 
in a relationship.
Immediate passion
was common.

But I've found that 
the reward is in 
the small moments 
of discovery, 
in learning yet 
one more thing.

Each day reveals 
something new, 
deepening our 
connection and 
building a strong, 
solid foundation.

It’s a path that 
demands patience 
and trust, but 
the richness 
it brings is 

The journey may 
be slow, but 
the memories we 
create along the 
way are worth 
every moment.

I truly believe 
that this pace 
allows us to 
cherish every 
hug and step
of the way.

I hug consciously, 
fully present in the 
moment, embracing 
the warm closeness 
it brings and its 
powerful impact. 

Each hug becomes a 
meaningful act, an 
exchange of comfort 
and affection, where 
I am aware of the 
bond it strengthens.

It’s a way to express 
care and gratitude, 
to be truly there for 
someone, creating a 
sense of harmony
and understanding 
that words often fail 
to capture. 

There is a beauty in 
conscious hugs and
taking things 
slow and steady
in our dating

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