Tuesday, June 11, 2024

The Leisurely Journey

Tonight, I spoke with the one who has a space in my heart about the need for me to do things differently than I have in the past. Rushing into relationships and my addiction to the honeymoon phase has been quite disastrous in my previous relationships. There's nothing I can't experience in time...and time with her is what I long for. I don't just want her for a few days, weeks or months. I want to invest in the relationship over the long haul, the last haul, not the U-Haul. 

The Leisurely Journey
By Annette Camp
June 11, 2024

I have a profound 
awareness that a 
symphony of 
chemicals ignite 
when the veil of 
intimacy is lifted, 
swirling like a 
fragrant mist 
around us.  

In the tender 
dance of touch, 
endorphins and 
oxytocin weave an 
tapestry, often 
blurring the lines 
between genuine 
connection and 
the euphoria of 
the moment. 

May we find delight 
in the sound of 
laughter, the joy 
of gratitude and the 
quiet moments of 
tranquility that 
build a foundation 
of trust and 

I envision
our journey to 
affection not 
as a hurried 
sprint, but 
as a gentle, 
stroll through 
a sun-dappled 

In this leisurely 
journey, let our 
souls intertwine 
long before our 
bodies do, creating 
a bond resilient 
to the fleeting 
buzz of physical 

Together, let us 
relish the art 
of gradual 
allowing our 
connection to 
blossom in its 
own time, 
nurtured by 
patience and 

With a heart 
full of hope, I 
tread these waters 
carefully. Let 
us savor the 
cherishing each 
step and every 
shared glance.

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