Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Tears of Truth

Tears of Truth
By Annette Camp
July 30, 2024

My tears flow like 
the gentle grace 
of a waterfall, 
delicate streams 
of emotions descending 
from the cliffs of my eyes. 

Each teardrop is a 
testament to the profound 
depth of my feelings, a silent 
witness to a well within. 

As they tumble and flow, 
they carve intricate paths 
across my cheeks, etching 
their journey into my skin.

These tears whisper tales 
of love, echoing the joys 
and sorrows that have 
touched my heart. 

They carry with them the 
weight of unspoken words 
and the essence of my 
most intimate moments. 

In their delicate descent, 
they leave behind traces 
of my vulnerability and 
the raw beauty of my 
human experience. 

Each drop, a silent testament 
to the complexity of my 
emotions, creates a river 
of truth that flows from 
the core of my being.

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