Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Cherished and Valuable

Cherished and Valuable
By Annette Camp
July 30, 2024

A relationship transitioning 
from romance to friendship 
is like exchanging gold for 
silver currency because both 
retain significant value, 
albeit in different forms. 

Gold, with its bright 
luster symbolizes the 
rare moments and 
intense affection, often 
passionate, found in a 
romantic relationship.

Silver carries its own 
timeless beauty, like a 
constant star, now 
expressed through the 
long-lasting light of 
expansive friendship.

The fiery dance of desire 
gives way to the gentle 
waltz of companionship, where 
the heart finds comfort in 
the familiar rhythms of shared 
laughter and understanding.

This shift represents a 
change in dynamics rather 
than a loss of worth. 
It is still preserving the 
meaningful connection
in a new steadfast way.

Thus, the bond continues, 
cherished and valuable, its 
presentation transformed. 
Its essence is unwavering, 
shining with a timeless, 
silvered grace.

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