Sunday, June 2, 2024

Take One Step

Disclosure: This is NOT a call to join a church. Simply, a woman telling her story of how not to give up if you have a dream.

For those that do not know, I identify myself as a spiritual kaleidoscope. I am religiously fluid in that I do not belong to, behave according to, or believe in any one faith tradition; rather I flow among them. I have been religiously persecuted and suffered from PTSD at the hands of many religious and spiritual bodies. I have been excommunicated, disfellowshipped and asked to never return from various religious and spiritual organizations, even in my home state of Colorado. 

Today, I write about my experience after reading an exert from Jim Harmer's book Work Energy: Finish What You Start and Fearlessly Take on Any Goal. It said "Imagine I'm sitting in front of you, talking with you face to face. You tell me the goal you've dreamed, and I tell you this: 'PROVE IT. YOU WANT IT SO BAD? I DARE YOU TO JUST TAKE ONE STEP.' People can dream all they want, but the vast majority of people will dream the rest of their lives away. Do you have a goal and you really mean it? I dare you to actually do one tiny thing about it today."

I have dreamt of finding a new spiritual home. One where I feel safe and loved. After roaming in and out of places throughout the world, I took a step in yet another faith community today. I am drawn to its mission "to unleash courageous love." So courageously, I step out onto a new path. 

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