Monday, June 24, 2024

A Writer's Struggle

I've selectively shared my writer's process until now. The image here is simple and yet complex. Sometimes, the ideas come with a few words. Other times, it's a sentence or two. Regardless, there's more to what you see in the poem you read or story I write. This is just a sample. If you have something handwritten from me, count yourself among the few. Many times, the words get crumpled into wads of paper and thrown in the trash before hitting the digital page.

A Writer's Struggle 
By Annette Camp
June 24, 2024

With each letter
I write not just
words, but a

I cross out 
I stop and

The struggle 
for just the 
right word to 
express what 
I feel is real.

I write and
rewrite words,
edit and

I sometimes 
wonder if you
hear my heart
in between 
the words.

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