Thursday, February 6, 2025

Radical Faith

Radical Faith 
By Annette Camp 
February 6, 2025

My faith is not just
about inner peace, 
but also about actively 
working to dismantle 
oppression and uplift 
marginalized voices. 

I have a responsibility 
to challenge injustice, 
advocate for the 
vulnerable and 
annihilate systems 
that harm people. 

My faith is lived out in 
action, not just emotion. 
I will provide comfort 
to the weary while 
confronting the systems 
that create suffering.

My faith is one that 
not only creates 
systems of caring, 
belonging and equity, 
but opposes injustice. 

My faith balances 
love and justice.
It heals and disrupts.
Builds and resists. 
Nurtures and challenges.

My faith is both 
and disruptive.
My faith is both 
gentle and fierce.


  1. "My faith is both gentle and fierce" love that the maximum amount!

  2. Love this, Annette! You are gift!
