Tuesday, February 27, 2024

My Heart Hears Love


My Heart Hears Love
By Annette Camp
February 27, 2024

My heart hears love
when happiness
and joy take up
space in my being.

My heart hears love
when my soul really
connects with another
someone or something.

My heart hears love
through a feeling of
warmth and sincerity,
peace and security.

My heart hears love
accompanied with deep 
affection, and tenderness
for another's well-being.

My heart hears love
when truly valuing
and honoring that
without expectation.

My heart hears love
in the company of
genuine concern in
the purest form.

My heart hears love
in the emotional bond 
strengthened over time 
through supportive action.

My heart hears love
in the unlimited oozing
of unconditional 

Love is a choice of 
powerful freedom and
my heart hears love
as it manifests itself.

Sunday, February 25, 2024

The Edge of My Heart

The Edge of My Heart
By Annette Camp
February 25, 2024

Ours is the kind
that people look
at and go "Theirs 
is a real love story."

Our love has the
freedom to just
be, live, and
love. To laugh.
To cry.

And to seek
comfort in 
the arms of
each other.

To choose each
other every day.
Not because we're
bound by a promise
of exclusivity or

A legal document,
but by our true
belief in each 
other. Our love.

Even in times of
frustration with
one another. Or
hard times. I
will choose you.

It may be hard
when you're upset
with me. But I
will remind you.

That regardless
I choose you.
Even when you
are cranky, I
will choose you.

When either of
us do something
stupid, we'll have 
to just remember

To choose each other
regardless and
offer forgiveness.
It will always be a 
daily decision.

Sometimes moment
by moment even.
To be honest,
there have been

Moments when I
thought you were
slipping through my 
fingertips and
I was fearful

Of losing you, but
you always chose me
and that brought 
me reassurance to

Know that of any
decision you could
make, you made
the one to love 
me undisputedly.

There's no other
feeling so good
as that. Whenever
you might push

Me away, I just
have to remember
to breathe through
it and know that
love will win.

And if there 
comes a time
we have to work
at it. I'm willing

To do the work.
I want to do
the work. We 
can do the work
and we don't have

To wait until
it gets hard.
I love that our

Is one of choice
and that is what
is bursting at the
edge of my heart.
I choose you.

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Deep In Our Souls


Deep In Our Souls
By Annette Camp
February 17, 2024

I believe in
I believe in 

I believe that
love nurtures
hope, and
love fosters

I believe in
of love, and
I believe in 

I believe
that's in us,
deep in our
souls day
and night.

Sunday, February 4, 2024



By Annette Camp
February 4, 2024

I'll be there
for you.

Promises of
love. Yes.
I adore you.

Giving my
best to you.

like this
I just want
to confess.

Friday, February 2, 2024

The Best Thing


The Best Thing
By Annette Camp
February 2, 2024

I get to see you.
It's the best thing
that I'd like to do.

At the edge of your
lips, that smile
I'd like to feel.

That laughter
between us again
I'd like to hear.

My thoughts.
The conversation.
Our connection I know.

Comfort and peace.
This to me is honest
assertion indeed.

The closer we get
the faster my
heart just sings.

My Heart


My Heart
By Annette Camp
February 2, 2024

I've had a first love,
and great love.
I've had my heart
break, great lessons,
and lost love.

Now, there's you,
My future love:

The great love with
endless possibilities,
amazing connection,
infinite intimacy, and
eternal devotion.

It's friendship-based,
immeasurable passion,
treasured tenderness,
ceaseless embraces,
and continual caresses.

An everlasting love.
My future love.

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Scorpios: The Deep Discovery


Scorpios: The Deep Discovery
By Annette Camp
February 1, 2024

Think passionate.
Incredibly intense.
Emotionally attached.
Unbreakable commitment.


Hint of Secrecy


Hint of Secrecy
By Annette Camp
February 1, 2024

Sexual Healing.