Saturday, November 16, 2024

The Writing of Our Story

The Writing of Our Story
By Annette Camp
(Inspired by someone named Lou)
November 16, 2024

Our relationship stands as a foundation,
built brick by brick—
character and chemistry,
communication and commitment.
Each stone is placed with care,
honoring needs,
wrapped in patience,
held by honesty.
Together, we create a sanctuary
where mutual respect and understanding
become our guiding light.

We lean into each other’s strength,
knowing the weight is shared,
that standing tall is easier
when two carry the burden.
Life is a dance of joy and challenge—
exhilarating leaps,
stumbling steps.
Yet I want us to navigate it all together,
transforming disappointments into growth,
frustrations into understanding.

Love is our compass.
I crave an intense closeness,
a space where fears, joys, and dreams
are whispered without hesitation,
where two people united
can conquer anything.
My love runs deep, passionate—
a fire that warms through words,
through touch,
through the unspoken.

Intimacy is the pulse of our connection,
the thread that binds us tightly.
Life’s gift is not to be squandered;
it is to be shared,
to be lived with unrelenting passion.
When I give my heart,
I want it cherished as though it were your own,
just as I will treasure yours—
a bond that turns possibility
into something boundless.

I seek a miracle— you,
the woman unafraid to laugh boldly,
to savor life’s simplest joys
and its profound mysteries.
Your soul carries moral goodness,
your heart a reverence for what is sacred.
You are daring and brave,
ready to explore not the world’s maps,
but the uncharted terrain of our hearts.

Together, we will write a story
of love and courage,
etched into the landscape of a life well-lived.

Friday, November 15, 2024

Simple Bliss

Simple Bliss
By Annette Camp
November 15, 2024

The morning air brushing my face, 
the silence brings the promise of the day.
I find enjoyment in picnics by a body of water,
summer spilling its warmth onto a shared blanket.

In spring and fall, I seek the open road,
sunroof framing the vast sky above.
Road trips stretch time —
a moving canvas of possibility.

Winter calls for art, theater and
galleries where the colors of other lives
spill into mine, with the lure of new worlds.
But home is where I snuggle into stillness.

I don’t watch much TV,
but the rhythm of a cooking show
stirs my own creations, spices dancing, 
the kitchen alive with intention.

Sedentary moments find me content:
a game with friends, a book,
or the creation of poetry,
words spilling like water from a dam.

There is beauty in the tiny things:
sunlight slicing through the blinds,
songs belted out in joyful defiance of silence,
the coziness of freshly dried sheets.

I treasure deep laughter that spills into tears,
conversations that stitch hearts together,
the fleeting yet infinite bloom
of split-second gratitude.

My life is created from the ordinary,
and made extraordinary by living simply.
In the moments walked, I find my bliss,
a blessing held in what already is.

The Quiet Hum

The Quiet Hum
By Annette Camp
November 15, 2024

At this time in my life,
I crave the quiet hum of the ordinary—
a soft chair by the window,
the sun laying its hands on my face,
a life stitched together
by moments so small they might be overlooked,
yet they swell with the weight of fulfillment.

I want a life drawn by intention,
where each act is a seed,
its fruit ripened with meaning,
where the thread of our connection
is spun with care, defining what follows,
unfolding a story of purpose.

I yearn for a partner unafraid
to leap into happiness,
to love as if the heart
has never known fracture,
to hold my hand not with possession,
but with courage and wonder.

Together, may we uncover beauty
in the cracks of the everyday,
in the hush of morning dew,
in the laugh lines of an evening shared.
Let us speak truths that carry 
light to the shadowed places,
our words warming 
like the first rays of dawn.

Aware that life comes only once,
may we live as though we’ve just discovered
its fragile singularity—
every morning a blessing,
every walk a revelation.

Let us hold one another in that rare,
fleeting moment where destiny pauses,
and everything, for a breath,
feels within reach.

I want the ordinary—
soft and sweet, exhilarating and still,
a canvas where love paints possibility
in strokes of gratitude, passion, and respect.

Each day begins with the 
quiet promise I hold close:
The best is yet to be.

Sunday, November 3, 2024

Worth the Risk

Worth the Risk
By Annette Camp
November 3, 2024

Craving deep connections
means stepping out on a
ledge, knowing the ground 
beneath might be uncertain. 

Yet, trusting that some
souls are worth the risk,
because they feel like a
warm, familiar blanket. 

Laughter comes easy,
silence feels safe and the
spaces between words are
filled with understanding. 

There is no need to rush
in this dance of souls.
Move with the grace of
intention and take your time.

Knowing that every
step forward brings you
nearer to the heart of
what you seek and long for.

Let each choice be deliberate,
like selecting fruit at its
ripest, knowing that true
connections are the sweetest.