ABCs of Healing
Advocate - ask for yourself
Body - listen to your body
Compassion - make space for it
Doctors - follow the doctor's orders
Eat - healthy diet is important
Follow up - seek professional help
Gratitude - remain grateful
Hydration - keep up with the fluids
Improving - includes your mental wellness
Journey - know that it will not happen in a day
Kindness - appreciate the kindness of others
Learning - it's ok to not feel ok
Medication - is there to help with the pain
Nurses - help with your physical care
Occupational therapist - provides tips and tools
Persistent - set realistic goals: Don't rush!
Quiet - your mind from anything less than recovery
Rest - relaxing includes sleep
Self Care - those feel good activities (movies, massage, music, meditation, etc.)
Trust - you'll get your strength back
Uphold boundaries - let others know what you need
Value - your support network (family, friends and professionals)
Willingness - to slow down
eXercise - slow progress not the extreme (like walking)
Yourself - give yourself time
Zen - remain in a calm attentiveness