Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Honey In My Heart

Honey In My Heart
By: Annette Thomas

I have never once felt
Unloved by either of you.
You took me into your
Lives at a time when
Your daughter had
Just came out.

At an emotional time
When you yourselves
Were processing
Your own feelings
Around that news.
But what did you do?

You opened, not only
Your home to me,
But your lives.
You could have
Done as many others
Have and rejected me.

But No. You poured
Honey in my heart –
That same sweet and
Unconditional love
That you gave your
Own daughter.

Then 4 short months
Later, when I came to
You and asked for
Your blessing as I
Wanted to ask Elaine
To marry me…

What did you do?
Did you tell me no,
Despite any of a
Number of emotions
Or reservations you
Might have had?

No. You once again
Just opened your
Arms and heart,
Pouring in more
Sweet unconditional
Love into my life.

So, as I stand here
Today and make my
Vow to Elaine, I also
Want to say thank
You for pouring all
That honey in my heart.

Nothing Can Beat This

Nothing Can Beat This
By: Annette Thomas

All the miles on the road
And messages on the screen;
All the visits with family
And the meeting of friends;

Joining her at church in
A moment of prayer;
And simple connections
Sitting on the porch;

Shared adventures and
Surprise I love you texts;
Cooking together and
The one-on-one time;

The kisses at red lights
And just because hugs;
Impromptu events and
Countless other blessings;

Nothing can beat this
But her saying ‘Yes!’
To spending the rest
Of our days together.