Monday, October 26, 2015

21 Days of Gratitude for Love: Day 21

Long live love! It's that simple!

When Joy Tickles My Soul
By: Annette Thomas

each & every

want to

Come see.

Come laugh.

Come live that life.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

21 Days of Gratitude for Love: Day 20

I have been so grateful these last 20 days for friends, family, coworkers, doctors, and others that have been there for me with so much love and kind words - kisses on my heart! Nothing could compare to that. Thank you to each of you. Today I am grateful for you. Long live love!

My Heart’s Kiss
By: Annette Thomas

A tender kiss
On the lips
Oh so lovely.

But nothing could
Compare to your
Kiss on my heart.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

21 Days of Gratitude for Love: Day 19

As this 21 day journey is nearing its end, I again want to remember and celebrate with gratitude that which I had - love, true intimacy, closeness, attraction and passion - the complete package. Today I am grateful for having experienced connection. Long live love!

By: Annette Thomas

And desire.

And love.


Friday, October 23, 2015

21 Days of Gratitude for Love: Day 18

Today I am grateful for having experienced love. I am glad that I had that. Not everyone gets to experience being completely embraced. Long live love!

Completely Embraced
by Annette Thomas

The beauty and
tenderness of love
embraces my heart,
as the yearning desire
and unrestrained passion
embraces my body
and the magic
euphoria of romance
embraces my mind
...but more than
anything it's the
affection and
that completely
embraces my soul.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

21 Days of Gratitude for Love: Day 17

Today I am grateful for the smiles and encouragement of others. I am going to figure this out and get through this. Long live love, friendship and family!

The Most Beautiful Smile
by Annette Thomas

Yours is the
Most beautiful smile
That I have ever seen.

It can brighten
Up a room with
Just a simple look.

It tempts even
The pessimist
To return a smile.

Yours is the
Most beautiful smile
That I have ever seen.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

21 Days of Gratitude for Love: Day 16

Today I am grateful for the control beyond that which I have. The kind where you breathe and let go of all that is because there is nothing else you can do. Today I am grateful that I can breathe and do that. Today I am also grateful for people with listening ears and words of encouragement. Thank you all. I love you. Long live love, friendship and family!

Sacred Control
By: Annette Thomas


Tuesday, October 20, 2015

21 Days of Gratitude for Love: Day 15

Today I am grateful for small reminders to laugh, live, continue to love and cherish wildish magic. Escape from beneath the darkness and be grateful for all that is. Long live love!

Wildish Magic
By Annette Thomas

Gaze Out
and escape
beneath the
dark hard
fragile stone
path down

cherish that
good happy
wildish magic
light is
shining out
so every life

you now




Monday, October 19, 2015

21 Days of Gratitude for Love: Day 14

I was told that my writing says a lot about what I am feeling at the present moment. This is somewhat true, yet I have to confess not completely accurate, as I do not post everything that I feel. I do not reveal my innermost feelings here on this public forum regardless of what you think you are "reading" into what I am writing. Some of what I have posted is from years ago. Poems I wrote back in 2009 about a whirlwind love with someone that shall remain nameless (but you know who you are). As a result of this discussion, I am posting today's poem. Long live love!

If I Were
By: Annette Thomas

If I were fearless,

I’d tell you what
My lips have longed
To speak.

I’d take the risk.

I’d express the words
That are caught in
My throat.

If only I were brave.

I’d take the risk.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

21 Days of Gratitude for Love: Day 13

We love who we love. There should be no shame in that. There should be no guilt in that. Love is a good thing. May your life be filled with the love. Long live love!

It is You
By: Annette Thomas

I love

…the way
My soul fills with
Joy when you
Look at me
And when I
Think of you.

I love

…the way
My heart just
Swells up in
That you have
Come into my life.

I love

…the way
My inner child
Wants to sing
And play when
We are around
One another.

I love

…the way I
Smile from ear
To ear with
Anticipation of
Simply seeing you.

It is you that I love.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

21 Days of Gratitude for Love: Day 12

Today I wanted to remember the divine spark of who I truly am at my core. I am not this tragic physical body or this emotional shipwreck of grief. I am a child of the Universe - a spark of divine love. Long live love!

Open Your Soul
By Annette Thomas

For the
Beautiful sweet
Gift of
A simple

Feel pure
Joy and
Find peace

To let
Love open
Your soul

Friday, October 16, 2015

21 Days of Gratitude for Love: Day 11

Today was a day of questions, discovery and hope. Thank God for friends. I am so grateful for friends. May your life be filled with the love of family, friends, and/or romance. Long live love!

Time Whispers
By Annette Thomas

Question and Discover
Some gentle hope

Thursday, October 15, 2015

21 Days of Gratitude for Love: Day 10

Today I have relapsed and shed a number of tears. But there is still time left in the day and I shall not go down defeated.  I remember a time when there once were happy tears that I cried. May your life be filled with the love of family, friends, and/or romance. Long live love!

Happy Tears
By: Annette Thomas

To feel emotions
Build up in an
Intimate moment,
Where words have
No expression –
Happy tears fell.

Something is different
Something is dear
That moment we
Kissed everything
Became clear and
Happy tears fell.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

21 Days of Gratitude for Love: Day 9

I was once asked: What is something that you learned about success and living that you didn't know at the age of 20? Today I am reminded of my response: Education, experience and memories are 3 things that no one can take away from you. Remember that. Long live love!

When I Close My Eyes
By: Annette Thomas

When I close my eyes
I am taken back
To endless nights of
Making love and visions
Of caressing your body.

The memories are as fresh
Today as a cool
Gentle breeze on the
Petals of an untouched
Rose in the sunshine.

Oh how I long to
Hold you and feel
Your body quiver beneath
Me as my hands
Explore your entire body.

To bath in the valley
Of your love is
One thing, but to
Connect with your soul
Causes my insides to
Flutter like butterflies.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

21 Days of Gratitude for Love: Day 8

Today was a challenge but if there is one thing I have learned, it is that there will be some days that are better than others. It is my hope though that there are better days ahead and those are the days that I look forward to. Long live love!

Looking Forward
By: Annette Thomas

I look forward
To the day…

When I can
Gently speak the
Words Good Morning,
Kiss those tender
Lips of yours

Say the words
I love you,
Truly meaning it
With Every Fiber
Of my being

Holding you in
My arms and
Opening myself up
To all that
Life offers us.

That is the
Day I so

Look forward to.

Monday, October 12, 2015

21 Days of Gratitude for Love: Day 7

Today I was reminded in a song that love teaches us lessons. Boy has love taught me lessons, lots and lots of lessons, very important lessons. How to love, when to love, why to love and ways to love. One important lesson that I was recently reminded of was the need to love myself. Long live love!

In Love
By: Annette Thomas

To fall in love
With myself is
When I discovered
I could love another
And this was ok.
My heart and mind
Free from the illusion
Of oppression.
Support and love
Surrounded my soul
And I was happy.
Happy to be me
And happy to love
Another unconditionally.

21 Days of Gratitude for Love: Day 6 (10/11/15)

Today I got some love and hugs from 2 fabulous artists. Each day I am amazed at the things I can attract into my life. When you look for the wonderful bliss of pure love, it appears - not just that of the romantic nature (that's not what I'm talking about here.) The kind where someone looks in your eyes and loves your soul, loves your smile, loves you through the sadness, hugs your heart, just loves you - for you! May your life be filled with the love of family, friends, and/or romance. Long live love!
by: Annette Thomas

There are no 
words for this. 
Look into my 
eyes, smile and 
feel my soul.

21 Days of Gratitude for Love: Day 4 (10/9/15)

Today I am celebrating the freedom of pulling off one's suit of armor and fully loving another with everything in you. Yes, there are risks and yes, it opens you up to vulnerability, but there is nothing like it. Today I want to remember that wonderful release of armor and that experience of love. May you attract love into your life. May your life be filled with love and not the weight of armor. Long live love!

Dare to Love
By: Annette Thomas

Dare to love?
To pull off
the suit of armor?
To expose yourself
and risk injury
to your very soul?

Dare to love?
To stand emotionally
naked before someone?
Stripped of your
heart’s protection, thus
revealing your vulnerability?

Dare to love?
To allow another
to examine and
question all that
you were, are
and may become?

Dare to love?
I ask.

Dare to love
Is to be FREE.

21 Days of Gratitude for Love: Day 5 (10/10/15)

Today I am celebrating the love, life and friendship of a dear and departed friend. Today I will be joined by many others in celebration of the tremendous life she lived and the love she brought to so many people. I want any and all who read this and have lost a loved one to know that I am here and remember you are loved to the core...Long live love!
Need Not Fear
By: Annette Thomas
Whatever life
Throws us
In these
Times you
Need not

Awaiting you is
The comfort of
My arms and
An angelic silence
Wanting you to
Feel intimately

Through these
Tough times I
Want you
To know
That I am
Here and you
Are loved.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

21 Days of Gratitude for Love: Day 3

Today I celebrate the love of some very special people in my life. I want to offer them all the love I have on this day, as I am so grateful that they have been a part of my journey. They have loved me through so many of my life's ups and downs. A friend of mine lost her partner and the love of her life for 13 years. I am sending you a big fat virtual hug with lots of love. Then there's my 5 year old great niece who is on week 6 and still has 70 weeks more of chemotherapy with her family at St Jude's. I want them all to know that they are loved and that when I think of them I smile and my heart dances with love. I am so grateful for these wonderful souls in my life and pray for strength, comfort and healing for them and anyone else reading this. We all have our struggles. Although you may not know the person next to you, send them love. Spread that stuff around. We all need it. Long live love!

My Heart Dances
By: Annette Thomas

Because of you
I wear a smile on my face
I have joy in my soul
And my heart dances!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

21 Days of Gratitude for Love: Day 2

Today I'm celebrating all kinds of love - the hugs from a family member, an "I love you" from your best friend, a smile from your roommate in the morning, the laughter of your co-workers, doctors with just the right bedside manners, and nice customers at the end of the phone such as the one I spoke to today from (who would've known) all that oozing love lol....May your life be filled with the love of family, friends, roommates, co-workers, doctors, customers and/or romance. Long live love!

Silent Embrace
By: Annette Thomas

The silence
Extinguishing words
Yet communicating
The enjoyment of the moment
The stillness of time
The melting of heart
The release of love
The embrace - ah!

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

21 Days of Gratitude for Love: Day 1

I made the decision when I woke up this morning that I was going to spend the next 21 days celebrating and remembering all the love I've seen in my life and not focus on the love I've lost. And boy has the day been amazing! I have seen so much fun, love, life and laughter today since I made the decision to start looking for it. Today I celebrate a time filled with love. Each day I will post a poem and remember a time filled with the wonderful bliss of love! May your life be filled with the love of family, friends, and/or romance. Long live love!

The Love I Give
by: Annette Thomas

Reach out to me
like the sunrise
disperses beauty.

Wrap around and
surround me like
the land does the
majestic lake.

Hold on to me like
the leaf does to
its branch.

Monday, October 5, 2015

It Hurts As Much As I Loved
By Annette Thomas

I continue to hear
move on there'll be
another, but they
do not realize that
I loved her with
every fiber of my
being. And that now
I cry myself to sleep
at night because I hurt
as much as I loved.

Yes I will survive
but right now I hurt,
just as I loved, with
every breath I take.
As the stars fill the
sky, so do these
tears fill my eyes.
The pain is great
because I hurt as
much as I loved.

I shared with her
more than a bed.
I shared with her
my soul, my inner
thoughts and feelings,
things I've never
shared with another.
Intimacy at its core.
So Yes it hurts. I
hurt, as much as
I loved. It hurts.